Events 2022
Online Seminar "Overcoming the imposter syndrome"
April 12-14, 2022: In this workshop, the scientists did take a closer look at their individual self-esteem dynamics in their various life roles (professional and private). Through inputs and exercises, with the help of mindfulness techniques and with the constructive support of the coach and the other workshop participants, the participants developed a strategy for strengthening self-esteem and thereby increasing self-efficacy and resilience.
This workshop used the following methods: Self-reflection and feedback, Change of perspective, Mindfulness exercises/small meditation sessions, Interactive exchange and exercises in small groups
Trainer Dr. Silke Oehrlein-Karpi and our doctoral researchers at the online workshop "Overcoming the imposter syndrome".
Online Workshop "Preparation of the Doctoral Defense"
February 24-25, 2022: This workshop was aimed at doctoral candidates in the final phase of their dissertation and prepared them intensively for the oral part of the doctoral examination.
Trainer Dr. Dunja Mohr and our doctoral researchers at the online workshop "Preparation of the Doctoral Defense".
The online workshop included the following aspects:
- Targeting and Profiling
- Mock Defense
- Communication strategies
- Presentation Skills
Events 2021
Online Seminar "Self and Time Management"
November 22nd, 23rd, and 24th, 2021: Our doctoral researchers got to know some new aspects concerning self and time management. Specifically, the workshop contained the following aspects: Prioritization, Goals and Motivation, Habits, Daily structures, Procrastination, Eisenhower technique, Delegation methods, 4-quadrant Modell, Plans and Calendar use, Perfectionism.
The workshop used the following methods: Analysis, training, theoretical inputs, practical exercises.
Trainer Barbara Berndt and our doctoral researchers at the online seminar "Self and Time Management".
Online Seminar "Leadership Skills and Conflict Management"
May 20th, 25th, and 27th, 2021: Most people who pursue their doctorate will sooner or later rise into a leadership role. As early-career academic, they often work in a team and have to deal with different leadership roles. If they are preparing for a career outside of academia, leading will probably also become part of their daily work. This workshop aims to prepare them for such roles. In the workshop leadership theories and how they fit with the participant's experience and environment was discussed. Assessments helped the participants to find their personal leadership type, based on personality and individual strengths. Based on the insights gained, they developed their own style of leading that fits their values and preferences. Another focus of this workshop was conflict management: how to deal with necessary conflicts in a productive way and how to prevent unnecessary ones. Both as foresight to future leadership roles and as a tool for your doctoral work.
Trainer Dr. Alexander Egeling and our doctoral researchers at the online seminar "Leadership Skills and Conflict Management".
Events 2020
Online Seminar "Academic Writing"
November 25-27, 2020: To get a top tier journal reviewer or editor to publish your scientific article, you will need more than a manuscript following the standard, you require a brilliant and highly engaging text. On the other hand, to be quoted often by your readers, your text should be both sophisticated and clearly comprehensible. Therefore, this online workshop provided our doctoral researchers with writing strategies for attractive, influential, and understandable articles to inspire both of the target groups. The participants got to know and applied new tools that enable them to clearly focus on the aim of their projects and structure their results accordingly. In addition to applying these writing strategies, they tried out revision methods that allowed them to take a critical look at their texts from the reviewer and reader perspective.
Trainer Dr. Beate Richter and our doctoral researchers at the online seminar "Academic Writing".
Online Seminar "Presenting in English"
November 11 & 13, 2020:
The virtual workshop "Presenting in English" was well received by our doctoral researchers. The trainer Dr. Christina Sanchez-Stockhammer conveyed the following content:
- How to make a good presentation (structure, body language etc.)
- How to overcome problems in the context of giving a paper (stage fright, technical problems, difficult questions etc.)
- Particularities of presenting in English (typical pronunciation and grammar mistakes etc.)
- Most importantly, the participant prepared and held a brief presentation during the course and got feedback on their performance.
Events 2019
Workshop "My Project Management Skills"
November 23, 2019 (FAU): The "Research Associations of the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg for the Promotion of Gender Equality" (F³G) are an association of various DFG projects at the FAU, with our Transregio being one of its founding members. In addition to better networking, the goal is the appropriate and directive use of DFG gender equality funds. Since 2019, the F³G offers the possibility for doctoral researchers of DFG funded projects to participate in soft skill workshops at FAU. These workshops are open to all Transregio 89 doctoral researchers notwithstanding they work at FAU or not. Some of our doctoral researchers took advantage of this new opportunity and attended the course "My Project Management Skills" on. The course was given by Dr. Silke Oehrlein-Karpi. Organisation, coordination and effective leadership have become a must for growing in one's career, in Academia as well as in other sectors. Not only scientist's day-to-day work, but also acquiring external funding requires accurate timing, financial structuring and planning of scientific work. If scientists have little awareness of these skills, this can hinder their attitude and confidence in achieving their goals. In the workshop self-awareness was raised to show the participants how to hone these project-management related skills. More specifically, these characteristics of project management were compiled by
- recognising how much experience someone has already gained in life regarding project management,
- reflecting upon personal typical approaches, preferences, and strategies that have been applied during previous projects,
- figuring out typical role/s in a project (i.e. expert, leader, organiser, coordinator, conflict manager, facilitator, generalist, specialist, team player etc.),
- realising someone's particular strengths in project work and project teams,
- learning how to integrate the new findings into day-to-day work and long-term projects,
- improving self-efficacy regarding upcoming projects, and
- communicating project management experience in application processes.
Workshop "Machine Learning"
September 19-20, 2019 (Technologiefabrik, KIT): In the workshop "Machine Learning" doctoral researchers learned different aspects of machine learning. The agenda can be summarized as following:
- Introduction
- Feature Generation & Extraction
- Clustering
- Classification
- Neural Networks
- Time Series Analysis
- An overview of Deep Learning
- Practice exercises
Workshop on Machine Learning, September 19-20, 2019.
Events 2018
Workshop "Good scientific practice"
November 15-16, 2018 (FAU): The workshop "Good Scientific Practice" aims at getting to know and understand the basic rules and values of the responsible conduct of research in all its stages, according to local, national and international regulations and guidelines. The participants exploreed the differences and grey areas between good scientific practice, questionable research practice and scientific misconduct. Furthermore, they learned how misconduct can be recognized and prevented, and how it should be addressed and dealt with in case it occurs, and what damage it can cause if handled improperly. The content of the workshop follows the curriculum "Good scientific practice":
- Definitions of good scientific practice and scientific misconduct
- Examples for responsible and irresponsible conduct of research
- Data and source management
- Authorship and the process of publication
- Mentoring and supervision
- Conflict management: how to deal with scientific misconduct
- Reactions to scientific misconduct
- Local, national and international guidelines and regulations
Workshop "Research Data Management"
November 15-16, 2018 (TUM): The seminar research data management covered the following aspects:
- General introduction to research data management
- What is research data?
- Data backup
- Data Documentation
- Data organization
- Long-term availability and archiving
- Publishing research data
- Selection of data
- Preliminary work / prerequisites (metadata, data formats)
- Publication options and selection of the archive
- Research Data Management and Persistent Identifiers (The focus here is on persistent identifiers and citation of data, so less "management")
- User training on RADAR (long-term data repository)
Workshop "Publish or Perish"
August 23, 2018 (KIT): Scientific knowledge is published knowledge. But not with every publication, the author also gains reputation at the same time. Science and science management increasingly rely on bibliometric measurement methods to assess the quality of research outputs. Although not undisputed, their results, especially in the natural sciences, technical sciences and medicine, are increasingly used as a basis for funding decisions, evaluations or appointments. On the one hand, the seminar presented the most well-known bibliometric methods (Journal Impact Factor, Hirsch Index) and critically evaluated their meaningfulness. The participants learned to perform simple bibliometric analyzes themselves. This gave the doctoral researchers an insight into what they should pay attention to in a publication.
Events 2017
Workshop "Project Management"
July 27-28, 2017: The participants learned the basics of project management methods. Starting with a realistic project plan and a clear goal definition - many other tools were explained and exercised. The seminar content comprised e.g. the project management circle, project goals (SMART), stakeholders and risks of a project and also project controlling.
Workshop "Wissenschaftskommunikation (Science Communication)"
June 29-30, 2017: In order to improve the engagement with the public – researchers should already learn about the importance of communicating their research results as well as the implementation of such a communication at the very beginning of their scientific career. This seminar covered different aspects of science communication which included the general understanding of science communication, different types of communication as well as ways to present the doctoral research project e.g. science slam. An emphasis was given on how to translate complex research topics to the public.
Workshop "Scientific Writing"
June 23, 2017: To avoid common mistakes during the process of a doctoral thesis, it is important to have the right attitude, the theoretical skills, as well as the necessary technical abilities. Based on writing examples of the participants, this seminar addressed the basics of scientific writing in English. A multitude of topics, not limited to the organisation of the writing project, psychological factors, orientation towards the reader and academic argumentation was be exercised – theoretically and practically.
Events 2016
Workshop "Time- and Self-Management"
October 27-28, 2016: Doctoral researchers from "Invasive Computing" took part in the two-day soft-skill workshop about "time and self management" held by Barbara Berndt. In this workshop, the participants learned how to optimize their time management and how to define and pursue goals. They became familiar with tools and techniques to master and control work load instead of being controlled by it.
Workshop "Small talk and Networking"
October 6-7, 2016: Small talk with strangers at a conference? With strangers who might be professors with an unbelievable academic track record? And to top it off, small talk with the goal of establishing a professional relationship? To exercise and manage such situations, Invasic organized the seminar "Academic Small Talk and Networking".
In this seminar young researchers from Munich and Erlangen met with Jessica McHenry, a professional english trainer from the US, to learn successful networking at international conferences. From introducing oneself to professional elevator speeches, i.e. 60 second to convince others of the concepts of Invasive Computing, everything was
covered. After 2 intensive days, lots of practicing and many references for further reading, each participant was better qualified to succeed in academic Small Talk and Networking.
more information
Workshop "Rhetoric"
July 28-29, 2016: Members of InvasIC were invited to join a two-day workshop on "Rhetoric”, held by the professional didactics trainer Barbara Berndt at KIT. During the workshop the doctoral researchers had a look at different ways of articulation, body language signs and the common rules of presentation. They practiced voice variation and gesticulation and gave several spontaneous and prepared talks to the group, receiving video- and group-feedback on their presentations and their progress achieved during the workshop. All participants gained valuable insights on their own style of presentation as well as their potential for improvement and learned much about good rhetoric skills.
more information
Events 2015
Workshop "Teamkompetenz"
November 26-27, 2015: Members of InvasIC were invited to join a two-day workshop on "Teamkompetenz: TEAM - Toll, ein anderer macht’s!" at FAU.
The doctoral researchers learned about essential team work and team building. The soft-skill seminar was given by Barbara Berndt, a professional didactics trainer and management coach. Step by step, the
participants learned the theoretical basics of how teams are formed and which aspects are important for a team to succeed. It was explored how someone's type of personality can affect the role they play
in a group, along with techniques how to lead a team effectively and how to resolve internal conflicts. The theory was put into practice through various exercises in which the doctoral researchers interacted
with each other to fulfill given tasks as a team. After each practice session, the participants reflected on the insights gained and were given helpful personal feedback by the coach. The workshop was packed
full of useful tips and information, and was met with very positive resonance
more information
Events 2014
Workshop "Poster Presentation"
November 27-28, 2014: Members of InvasIC are invited to join a workshop on "Poster Presentation" at FAU. Presentations and language skills like intonation, pronunciation and phraseology were taught. Own
posters and presentations were analysed in individual trainings and the presenters got feedback for their work.
Workshop "Voice, Standing and Communication"
November 18, 2014: Members of InvasIC are invited to join a workshop on "Voice, Standing and Communication" at TUM.
more information
Informationsveranstaltung "Familienfreundliche Arbeitsstrukturen"
June 26, 2014: Herr Müller-Thomas (Familienservice FAU) berichtet über die Modelle zur Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf, sowie das Betreuungs- und Beratungsangebot des Familienservice der FAU.
Events 2013
Course on "Multi-Core = Multi-Performance?" at the Ferienakademie Sarntal
September 22-October 4, 2013, Sarntal/Südtirol: Prof. M. Bader (TUM) and Prof. J. Teich (FAU) are organising a course at the Ferienakademie Sarntal/Südtirol. The progam can be found
Aktionstag Technologieschutz at FAU
Erlangen, September 18, 2013: Members of InvasIC attended the "Aktionstag Technologieschutz" and enhanced their knowledge in patents, brands, and confidentiality. more information.
Publish or Perish - Wissenschaftliche Publikation und ihre Qualitätsbewertung
Erlangen, February 2, 2013: Members of InvasIC participated in the workshop "Publish or Perish" to learn about bibliometric analyses like "Journal Impact Factor" or "Hirsch-Index". more information.
Panel discussion for pupils of the local grammar schools: Science Fiction Comes Real. February 07, 2013, FAU
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Teich (Hardware/Software Co-Design, FAU)
Professor Teich (FAU) introduces the concept of Invasive Computing to pupils of the local grammar schools. The announcement of the panel discussion is available here.
Training: Sicher auftreten – frei reden
Erlangen, January 24-25, 2013: Confident appearance, listener-orientation and straightforward thinking are essential challenges that lecturers have to face in university teaching. The individual talking and communication style is crucial for an effective and successful teaching in two directions: to the inside, in order to gain self-assuredness, and to the outside, in order to reach and motivate the students. The seminar gave the opportunity to work at the mentioned elements in order to develop one's own talking style further. Using ad-hoc talks, talk-thinking was trained, stage presence and contact to the audience were elaborated and the power of persuasion with body language, voice and word were strengthened. The main focus was on practical exercises and differentiated individual feedback.
Events 2012
Prof. Teich gave a course at ACACES 2012

July 8-14, 2012, Fiuggi, Italy: Prof. Jürgen Teich (FAU) was invited to give a one week course on "Domain-specific and resource-aware computing on multi-core architectures" at the HiPEAC Summer School. More than 100 PhD students from all over the world participated in the one week summer school near Rome. Prof. Jürgen Teich integrated the latest scientific findings from the DFG Transregion 89 "Invasive computing" in his course.
Training on Leadership Qualities of Men and Women
Erlangen, March 29, 2012: Marion Bredebusch and Martin Conrath (BREDEBUSCH — Institut für Kommunikation und Kompetenz) conducted a basic training on leadership qualities for the scientific staff and professors of InvasIC.
Demonstrations at the Schüler-Info-Tag

Erlangen, March 22, 2012: During the Schüler-Info-Tag 2012 several pupils attended the demonstration "Leben im Jahr 2030 – mit Cyberphysical Systems?". During this event the pupils had the opportunity to experiment with a cyberphysical system developed by students. This cyberphysical system allowed to control the game "space invadors" by gestures.
Events 2011
Seminar on "Kommunikationsverhalten von Männern und Frauen im akademischen Bereich"
Erlangen, December 12, 2011: Trainer Marion Bredebusch and Martin Conrath
The goal of the training was to raise the awareness for potential misunderstandings in the communication between male and female and how to improve this situation. Members of the scientific staff and professors of all three sites of the TCRC participated in the training held by Mrs. Bredebusch and Mr. Conrath (BREDEBUSCH — Institut für Kommunikation und Kompetenz). With the help of role-playing games, the participants were able to develop new and important insights into aspects of the communication.
Workshop "Giving Academic Talks"
Erlangen, August 15-16, 2011: Seminarleiter Joseph Ganahl (Unterstützung durch das FBHZL)
Seminar "Academic Writing"
Erlangen, July 21-22, 2011: Referentin Frau Prof. Dr. Erika von Rautenfeld
Both seminars were organised for the junior scientists within the SFB/TRR 89. In a casual atmosphere
methods of academic writing and presenting were taught. Own writings and presentations were analysed and
the presenters got feedback for their work.
The 2011 Wittenberg Colloquium
Erlangen, May 22-24, 2011: Prof. Teich is co-organizing an extraordinary interdisciplinary doctoral researcher colloquium on trends in multi-core architecture research together with Prof. Theo Ungerer, Uni Augsburg, Prof. Ben Juurlink, TU Berlin, and Prof. Mladen Berekovic, Uni Jena in Wittenberg. Doctoral researchers within the SFB are able to present and discuss their work with doctoral researchers from other well-known research groups in Germany.

Schülerbesuch des P-Seminars
Erlangen, January 21, 2011:
Der Lehrstuhl für Informatik 12 erhielt Besuch der Schüler eines gemeinsam mit dem Lehrstuhl Hardware-Software-Co-Design durchgeführten P-Seminars des Albert-Schweitzer-Gymnasiums (ASG) Erlangen.
Bei einer Führung bekamen die Schüler einen Einblick in den Alltag des Lehrstuhls. Es wurden Beispiele von Forschungsarbeiten gezeigt und über die
verschiedenen Studienmöglichkeiten im Bereich Informatik an der FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg informiert.
Events 2010
Munich, November 15, 2010:
The goal of the training was to raise the awareness for potential misunderstandings in the communication between male and female and how to improve this situation.
Members of the scientific staff and professors of all three sites of the TCRC partitipated in the training held by Mrs. Bredebusch and Mr. Conrath (BREDEBUSCH — Institut für
Kommunikation und Kompetenz). With the help of role-playing games, the participants were able to develop new and important insights into aspects of the communication.
X10 Tutorial
Erlangen, November 12, 2010: Prof. Christoph von Praun
Dagstuhl seminar on "Dynamically Reconfigurable Architectures"
July 11-16, 2010: co-organized by Prof. Jürgen Becker and Prof. Jürgen Teich
more information
Tutorial Invasive Computing - Basic Concepts and Foreseen Benefits
Autrans, France, September 7th 2010: Prof. Jürgen Teich (FAU) (Artist Network of Excellence on Embedded System Design Summer School Europe 2010)
Seminar on Variability-induced challenges beyond 22nm
München (TUM), July 26-27, 2010: Dr. Sani Nassif (IBM)